
our story
In 2018 we started flirting with the idea of building our own radio station. While looking for a studio we made some friends along the way and found the perfect spot, located in the heart of East Lisbon, back then an overlooked area of the city.
While we waited for construction in the studio-to-be, the first shows were broadcast from the backroom of a Mexican mercado, running 4-hour daily sessions until August 2019.
In April '21 we made a foodtruck our studio and parked it at Arroz Estudios first and then in Beato Island, an outdoors pop-up by Foodriders.
We started the works in the studio in 2023 and our regular programme got finally back on air, now with 12 hours of live radio a day, from monday to friday. Our schedule got heavier on regulars, including daily shows with hosts going on air at the same time every week.
All the visual identity, still or moving posters, and this very website were designed by V-A Studio.
The studio furniture and desk pedestal were crafted by the good people from Built Different.
The studio sits at the back of Duro De Matar, the third-wave taqueria by our Foodriders family, who keep fueling our craziest ideas with totopos and mezcal.
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- where we at
Duro De Matar — the third wave taqueria in Beato, Lisboa